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A Brief History of the Doctrine of the Trinity in the Early Church

Tác giả: Franz Dünzl

Nguyên tác:

Dịch giả: John Bowden

Nhà xuất bản: T&T Clark

Nơi xuất bản: Lodon

Năm xuất bản: 2007

Tái bản:

Mã sách: B25068

Danh mục: 270 - Lịch sử Kitô giáo – Công giáo


Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Anh

Khổ sách: A5


Số trang: 161

Đăng nhập để đọc sách này.

Franz Dünzl gives an account of the formation of the doctrine of the Trinity in a narrative based on contemporary sources: as he remarks in the preface, he wants to describe the human struggle over the truth of the Christian image of God and as far as possible let the early Christians speak for themselves. His main concern is to describe the dynamic of the disputes over the theology of the Trinity in a vivid way which is easy to follow, pointing out the foundations of the doctrine and the decisive shifts in its development. He tries to see the often bitter discussion not as a barren dispute but as an evolutionary process in which the rivalry is a necessary and positive factor in moving the debate forward.

After an introduction to the problem, the book describes the beginning of christology and the first models of the relationship between 'Father' and 'Son': it then describes the controversies leading up to the Council of Nicaea, which are discussed at length, going on to show how Nicaea didn't settle the question and continuing the account up to the Council of Constantinople in 381. It brings out the political influences which governed this second stage of the discussion in an illuminating way. A survey and bibliography round the book off.
1. Introduction to the Problem 
2. The Beginnings of Christology 
3. First Models of the Relationship between ‘Father’ and ‘Son’ 
4. The Controversy between Logos Theologians and Monarchians
5. The Concern of Arius of Alexandria and the Reaction of his Opponents
6. The Intervention of Emperor Constantine and the Council of Nicaea 
7. The Development in the Period after the Council 
8. The Theological Split in the Empire 
9. Serdica – the Failed Imperial Council 
10. Constantius II and the Quest for a Theological Compromise 
11. The Assembling of the Neo-Nicenes 99vi A Brief History of the Doctrine of the Trinity
12. The Question of the Holy Spirit 
13. The Council of Constantinople and the Agreement with the West 
14. Prospect 

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